how to disable fullscreen editor in wordpress

## How to Disable the Fullscreen Editor in WordPress (Easy Guide)

**By Naveed Ahmed**

As a WordPress expert with over 15 years of experience, I’ve seen countless changes in the platform’s evolution. One of the biggest changes that shook things up was the introduction of the block editor (aka Gutenberg) in WordPress 5.0. This revolutionary new editor brought a fresh approach to content creation, but it also had its fair share of teething problems.

One of the most noticeable changes was the shift to fullscreen mode as the default view for the editor. While this “distraction-free” mode can be a boon for some, it can be a real pain point for others who prefer the familiar compact view. If you fall into the latter category, you’re in the right place!

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through all the essential steps on how to disable the fullscreen editor in WordPress, along with some expert tips and insights to make your editing experience smoother than ever.

**Why Did WordPress Switch to Fullscreen Mode?**

The block editor introduced a new way of building content using blocks, offering a more intuitive and visually appealing experience. It mimics the way your final article or page will look, using the same fonts and colors as your theme.

However, the original design with menus on both the left and top felt cluttered. The WordPress core team realized that too many options on the screen could hinder the writing process. To promote a more focused writing experience, they decided to make the editor fullscreen by default.

**Understanding the Fullscreen Mode Shift**

It’s important to understand that fullscreen mode wasn’t a completely new feature; it was already available for users to toggle on and off. The difference is that with the introduction of the block editor, the fullscreen mode became the default setting.

**How to Disable the Fullscreen Mode (Easy Way)**

The simplest way to disable the fullscreen editor is within the editor itself:

1. **Open a post or page:** Go to your WordPress dashboard and select “Posts” or “Pages” to edit an existing entry.
2. **Locate the three-dot menu:** Look for the three vertical dots in the top-right corner of the editor screen.
3. **Click on the “Fullscreen Mode” button:** This will toggle the fullscreen mode off, instantly returning you to the compact editor view.

**Important Note:** WordPress stores this setting in your browser’s temporary storage. So, if you switch browsers, use incognito mode, or access your site from a different device, you’ll see the fullscreen editor again.

**Permanently Disable Fullscreen Mode (Using Code Snippets)**

For a more permanent solution, you can use code snippets. However, if you’re not comfortable with coding, consider using a plugin to add these snippets for you.

**Method 1: Adding Code Manually**

1. **Open your theme’s `functions.php` file:** Use a code editor like Notepad++ or Sublime Text.
2. **Paste the following code snippet:**

if (is_admin()) {
function jba_disable_editor_fullscreen_by_default() {
$script = “jQuery( window ).load(function() { const isFullscreenMode = ‘core/edit-post’ ).isFeatureActive( ‘fullscreenMode’ ); if ( isFullscreenMode ) { ‘core/edit-post’ ).toggleFeature( ‘fullscreenMode’ ); } });”;
wp_add_inline_script( ‘wp-blocks’, $script );
add_action( ‘enqueue_block_editor_assets’, ‘jba_disable_editor_fullscreen_by_default’ );

3. **Save the changes:** Close and save the `functions.php` file.

**Method 2: Using the WPCode Plugin**

1. **Install and activate the WPCode plugin:** Download it from the WordPress plugin repository.
2. **Navigate to “Code Snippets” > “Library”:** Find the “Disable Fullscreen Editor” snippet.
3. **Click the “Use Snippet” button:** WPCode will automatically add the code and set the insertion method for you.
4. **Toggle the switch from “Inactive” to “Active”:** Click “Update” to save the changes.

**Understanding the Code**

The code snippet checks if the user is in the admin area. If so, it verifies whether the fullscreen editor is active. If it is, the code toggles the fullscreen mode off. This ensures that the fullscreen editor will be disabled by default for all users.

**Key Benefits of Disabling Fullscreen Editor**

* **Improved Workflow:** For users who prefer the compact editor view, disabling fullscreen mode allows for a familiar workflow and easier access to the admin sidebar and toolbar.
* **Customization Flexibility:** Disabling the fullscreen editor allows you to customize your editing experience, including utilizing plugins or add-ons that work best within the compact view.
* **Reduced Distraction:** While fullscreen mode aims to reduce distraction, some users may find the compact view less intrusive, allowing them to maintain focus on their writing.


Disabling the fullscreen editor in WordPress is a simple yet effective way to tailor your editing experience to your preferences. Whether you choose the easy method of toggling it off in the editor or use the more permanent solution of code snippets, remember to back up your website before making any significant changes.

If you’re looking for more tips and tricks to enhance your WordPress experience, be sure to check out my website: [](

## FAQs

How do I turn off fullscreen mode in WordPress?

You can turn off fullscreen mode by clicking on the three dots menu in the top-right corner of the editor screen and then selecting “Fullscreen Mode”. This will toggle the fullscreen mode off, instantly returning you to the compact editor view.

Why is my WordPress editor in fullscreen mode?

The fullscreen mode became the default setting in WordPress 5.0 when the block editor (Gutenberg) was introduced. This was done to create a distraction-free writing environment.

How do I permanently disable fullscreen editor in WordPress?

You can permanently disable fullscreen mode by adding a code snippet to your theme’s `functions.php` file or using a plugin like WPCode to add the snippet for you. You can find the code snippet in this guide.

Does disabling fullscreen editor affect the way my content looks?

No, disabling fullscreen mode doesn’t change the way your content looks. It only affects the editor interface.

How do I revert back to fullscreen mode?

You can always manually switch back to fullscreen mode from the post editor by clicking on the three dots menu and selecting “Fullscreen Mode”.

Can I use the fullscreen editor with other plugins?

Yes, you can use the fullscreen editor with other plugins, but some plugins may not work as expected or may be optimized for the compact editor view.

Is there any way to customize the fullscreen editor?

While you can’t directly customize the fullscreen editor, you can change your theme’s settings to adjust the colors and fonts used in the editor.

What if I don’t want to use the block editor at all?

You can still use the classic editor by installing the “Classic Editor” plugin from the WordPress plugin repository. This will revert your editor back to the older version.

Is it safe to add code snippets to my theme’s `functions.php` file?

It’s generally safe to add code snippets to your theme’s `functions.php` file, but always make a backup of your website before making any changes. If you’re not comfortable with coding, using a plugin like WPCode is a safer option.

Are there any other ways to improve my WordPress editing experience?

There are numerous ways to improve your WordPress editing experience, such as using a dedicated writing app, optimizing your theme’s settings, and taking advantage of plugins that enhance the editor’s functionality. Check out my website []( for more tips and tricks!

This comprehensive guide provides a complete understanding of how to disable fullscreen editor in WordPress, along with its benefits, code snippets, and FAQs to answer all your queries.

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