vital tips and tools to combat comment spam in wordpress

12+ Vital Tips and Tools to Combat Comment Spam in WordPress

As a WordPress expert with over 15 years of experience, I’ve seen firsthand the havoc that comment spam can wreak on websites. It’s a constant battle, but one that can be won with the right strategies. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the best WordPress comment spam plugins and helpful tips to combat spam comments in WordPress. By implementing these strategies, you can save yourself a lot of time and significantly reduce spam from your website.

I’ve always believed that a clean, spam-free comment section is essential for fostering genuine engagement and building a positive online community. After all, who wants to wade through a sea of irrelevant or malicious comments to find the valuable insights of real users? It’s not only frustrating for readers, but it can also damage your website’s reputation and hinder its growth.

Why You Need to Deal with Comment Spam in WordPress

Comment spam is a pervasive problem that affects countless WordPress websites. Spammers aim to exploit your website for their own benefit, often attempting to improve the search engine ranking of their own sites or to direct unsuspecting visitors to dubious and malicious websites.

The majority of spam comments are generated automatically by spambots, which are programs designed to leave comments on blogs and websites. However, some spam comments are submitted by real people. These comments are typically off-topic, poorly written, and contain links to third-party websites.

If left unchecked, these comments can significantly impact your website’s reputation and performance.

  • User Perception: Genuine visitors may perceive your website as low-quality and spammy if they encounter excessive spam comments.
  • Search Engine Ranking: Search engines like Google can penalize your website if it contains spam links, potentially leading to lower search rankings.
  • Security Risks: Spam comments can sometimes contain malicious links or code that can infect your website with viruses or malware, jeopardizing its security.
  • Reduced Engagement: Spam comments can overwhelm legitimate comments, making it harder for readers to engage with your content and participate in meaningful discussions.

To combat comment spam effectively, you need to understand the motives of spammers and employ a multi-pronged approach to protect your website.

12+ Vital Tips and Tools to Combat Comment Spam in WordPress

Here are 12+ vital tips and tools to combat comment spam in WordPress, covering both built-in WordPress features and powerful plugins:

1. Turn On Comment Moderation in WordPress

Start by ensuring that no comments can be published on your website without your approval. This essential step prevents comments from bypassing any filters and gives you complete control over the comments that appear on your website. This is particularly crucial for business websites that require a high level of control and security, such as law firms or accounting firms.

To enable comment moderation:

  1. Navigate to the **Settings > Discussion** page in your WordPress admin area.
  2. Scroll down to the “Before a comment appears” section and check the box next to “Comment must be manually approved.”
  3. Click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page.

All your WordPress comments will now be held for moderation, and you’ll need to manually approve each comment before it appears on your website. While this may seem like a lot of work, it’s an essential first step towards mitigating spam.

2. Activate Akismet Spam Protection

Akismet is a powerful spam protection plugin that comes pre-installed with WordPress but is not activated by default. It’s an effective solution for catching the most common types of spam comments by filtering all WordPress comments on your website through a global spam database.

Akismet offers a free plan for personal blogs and small websites, but you’ll need to sign up for an API key. For larger websites, paid plans provide additional features and support. To set up Akismet:

  1. Navigate to **Plugins > Add New** in your WordPress admin area.
  2. Search for “Akismet” and click “Install Now.” Once installed, click “Activate.”
  3. Click the “Akismet” link in the left-hand menu and follow the instructions to enter your API key.

Akismet is a powerful tool for filtering out spam, but it’s important to note that it’s not foolproof. Some spammers may use sophisticated methods to bypass spam filters. That’s why it’s essential to use a multi-layered approach to spam protection.

3. Use a Firewall to Combat Spam Comments

Comment spammers can overwhelm your website with excessive requests, slowing down performance and affecting user experience. While Akismet catches a lot of spam comments, it can’t prevent spammers from attempting to access your website in the first place. This is where a firewall comes in.

A firewall acts as a protective barrier between your website and the outside world, blocking suspicious requests before they even reach your server. This reduces the load on your servers and minimizes the number of spam comments you receive.

Two popular WordPress firewall plugins are Sucuri and Cloudflare.

  • Sucuri is a robust firewall that can prevent automated bots and scripts from submitting comments, effectively reducing the burden on your servers. It’s a good choice for smaller websites, but it might not be powerful enough for high-traffic online businesses.
  • Cloudflare is a more comprehensive platform that offers a range of features, including a firewall, content delivery network (CDN), and DDoS protection. It’s a powerful choice for high-traffic websites that need a more advanced level of security.

Choosing the right firewall depends on your website’s size, traffic volume, and security needs. Both Sucuri and Cloudflare offer free plans for basic protection, and paid plans provide more advanced features and support.

4. Use Honeypot to Catch Spambots

Honeypot is a spam prevention technology that subtly identifies bots by presenting a challenge that’s visible to bots but not to humans. This approach is based on the idea that you can “catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” Instead of asking users to prove they’re human with a CAPTCHA test, a honeypot presents a challenge that bots are likely to attempt, revealing them as bots and blocking them before they can post a comment.

Antispam Bee is a free honeypot plugin that effectively identifies spambots. It also offers settings to trust approved commenters, validate IP addresses, mark BBCode (Bulletin Board Code) links as spam, and check public antispam databases. To set up Antispam Bee:

  1. Navigate to **Plugins > Add New** in your WordPress admin area.
  2. Search for “Antispam Bee” and click “Install Now.” Once installed, click “Activate.”
  3. Go to **Settings > Antispam Bee** and configure the plugin’s settings to suit your needs.

Honeypot is a smart and effective way to catch spambots without inconveniencing your genuine users. It’s a great addition to a multi-layered spam prevention strategy.

5. Add Google reCAPTCHA Verification

Google reCAPTCHA is a more advanced form of CAPTCHA that goes beyond simple challenges to test whether a user is a bot or a human. It’s designed to be more user-friendly than traditional CAPTCHAs, while still effectively deterring bots.

Google reCAPTCHA requires users to click a checkbox to prove they’re not a robot. If they pass the initial test, they may be presented with a second test, such as identifying images or solving a simple puzzle. This second test is more challenging for bots, and Google continuously refines its algorithms to make it even more effective. While CAPTCHAs can be frustrating for users, reCAPTCHA offers a more seamless user experience.

To add reCAPTCHA to your WordPress comment form, use the Advanced Google reCAPTCHA plugin. To set it up:

  1. Navigate to **Plugins > Add New** in your WordPress admin area.
  2. Search for “Advanced Google reCAPTCHA” and click “Install Now.” Once installed, click “Activate.”
  3. Go to **Settings > reCAPTCHA** and follow the instructions to configure the plugin and obtain your reCAPTCHA keys.

By implementing reCAPTCHA, you can further strengthen your website’s defenses against spammers. It’s an effective solution for websites that receive a high volume of spam comments.

6. Prevent Imposter Comments

Some spammers attempt to deceive you by using the username and email address of a registered user on your website. They hope that you’ll recognize the user’s name or Gravatar and approve their comment without scrutinizing it. Luckily, Akismet can help you with this, too.

Akismet will prevent all unauthenticated users from leaving comments with a registered user’s email address or username. This helps to prevent imposters from using your website’s own users’ credentials to spread spam.

7. Remove Website URL Field From Comment Form

The website URL field in the comment form is a major attraction for spammers who aim to use backlinks to boost their search engine rankings. Their primary goal is to obtain a backlink, not to contribute meaningfully to the discussion. These comments often consist of a few irrelevant sentences, and the commenter’s name may contain a keyword or a combination of a real name with keywords, such as “Sally from Dunder Mifflin” or “John @SEOconsultants.”

By removing the website URL field from your comment form, you eliminate the incentive for spammers to leave comments solely for backlinks. Genuine users will still leave comments on your articles, whether they get a backlink or not.

To remove the website URL field from the comment form, you can either use a plugin or edit your theme’s files. Here’s how to do it with a plugin:

  1. Install and activate the **Comment Hacks** plugin.
  2. Go to **Settings > Comment Hacks** and uncheck the box next to “Show URL field in comments form.”
  3. Click “Save Changes.”

Removing the website URL field is a simple yet effective strategy to discourage spammers and encourage more genuine comments.

8. Disable Comments on Media Attachments

WordPress automatically creates an attachment page for each image and media file you upload to your website. Users can leave comments on these pages. While this can be beneficial if images are a central part of your content, it also creates another opportunity for spammers. If you don’t need users to comment on images, it’s best to disable comments on media attachments.

The easiest way to disable comments on media attachments is to install and activate the **Disable Comments** plugin. Once activated, go to **Settings > Disable Comments** and check the box next to “Media.” Save the changes, and you’ll have successfully disabled comments on your media files and attachments. This simple step helps to minimize the potential for spam and reduces the need for manual moderation.

9. Disable HTML in Comments

By default, WordPress allows certain HTML tags within comments. These tags can be exploited by spammers to hide spam links. You can discourage this by disabling HTML in comments.

Disabling HTML in comments means that any HTML tags used in a comment will be displayed as text, but they won’t be functional. For example, if someone uses the `` tag, the tag will be displayed in the comment, but the text won’t be bolded. Links will also be rendered as plain text, making them non-clickable. This effectively prevents spammers from using HTML to disguise their links.

To disable HTML in comments, you need to add a text snippet to your theme’s `functions.php` file or use the **WPCode** plugin (recommended). Here’s the code snippet:

function wpb_comment_post( $incoming_comment ) {
$incoming_comment[‘comment_content’] = htmlspecialchars($incoming_comment[‘comment_content’]);
$incoming_comment[‘comment_content’] = str_replace( “‘”, ”’, $incoming_comment[‘comment_content’] );
return( $incoming_comment );

function wpb_comment_display( $comment_to_display ) {
$comment_to_display = str_replace( ”’, “‘”, $comment_to_display );
return $comment_to_display;

add_filter( ‘preprocess_comment’, ‘wpb_comment_post’, ”, 1);
add_filter( ‘comment_text’, ‘wpb_comment_display’, ”, 1);
add_filter( ‘comment_text_rss’, ‘wpb_comment_display’, ”, 1);
add_filter( ‘comment_excerpt’, ‘wpb_comment_display’, ”, 1);
remove_filter( ‘comment_text’, ‘make_clickable’, 9 );

This code changes HTML code into HTML entities, which are displayed in the comment but not parsed by the browser. It’s a simple yet effective way to prevent spammers from abusing HTML in their comments. By using WPCode, you can easily add this code snippet to your website without needing to edit your theme’s files directly.

10. Set a Minimum and Maximum Comment Length

Spammers sometimes leave comments that are too short or too long to be considered legitimate. For example, a spammer might leave hundreds of comments per hour with a single word: “hello.” In such cases, Akismet and Sucuri might not be able to block these comments because they appear natural. Antispam Bee might slow down the spammer, but it might not completely block the attack.

To combat this type of spam, you can use the **Comment Hacks** plugin to set a minimum and maximum comment length. By setting the minimum comment length, you can prevent spammers from leaving comments that are too short. You can also set a maximum comment length to discourage spammers from posting excessively long, rambling comments. This plugin effectively filters out comments that fall outside your defined length limits, making it harder for spammers to exploit your website.

11. Disable Trackbacks in WordPress

Trackbacks are a feature that allows a website to notify the original author of a post when someone links to it. However, trackbacks can also be used by spammers to boost their search engine rankings by submitting fake trackbacks to websites. It’s not essential to have trackbacks enabled for most blogs.

To disable trackbacks, go to **Settings > Discussion** and uncheck the box next to “Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new articles.” This will turn off trackbacks for all new posts. You can also follow our guide on how to disable trackbacks on existing posts.

12. Turn Off Comments on Old Posts

WordPress allows you to turn off comments on old posts. This is particularly helpful for websites publishing content that is timely, such as news or events websites. To automatically close comments on old posts, go to **Settings > Discussion** and check the box next to “Automatically close comments on articles older than XX days.” Enter the number of days after which you want comments to be closed. WordPress will then automatically close comments on posts older than the specified number of days. You can also manually override the comment deadline for individual posts where you want comments to remain open.

Bonus Tip: 13. Switch Off Comments

If you have no need for comments on your website or find that comment moderation is taking up too much time, you can always disable comments entirely. This will prevent spam altogether. To disable comments on new posts, go to **Settings > Discussion** and uncheck the box next to “Allow people to post comments on new articles.” You’ll also need to disable comments on all existing posts. Refer to our guide on how to completely disable comments in WordPress for more detailed instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Spam Comments

Why are they spamming me?

Don’t take it personally. Spammers are motivated by the desire to improve their search rankings or to lure unsuspecting visitors to dubious and malicious sites. They believe that by spamming, they can get more links, which will somehow positively affect their search rankings. In most cases, it’s not a personal attack against you. It’s a systematic process that targets many blogs.

What happens to comments that are marked as spam?

When you moderate comments, those that you mark as spam will not be displayed on your website. Instead, they’re moved to the spam list on your Comments page. If you’ve accidentally marked a comment as spam, you can recover it by clicking the “Not Spam” link under that comment. You can also permanently delete a spam comment from the spam list.

Why is every comment going into the moderation queue?

When you enable comment moderation, you need to approve every comment left on your website. This gives you complete control over the comments that get published on your website. By enabling comment moderation, you’re ensuring that no spam comments bypass your filters and that only legitimate comments appear on your website.

How do I stop spammers from leaving comments with keywords in the name field?

Spammers often use keywords in the name field to try to improve their website’s SEO. You can stop this by using a plugin like **Comment Hacks** to disable the name field in the comment form. This will prevent spammers from entering keywords in the name field, but it will also prevent genuine users from using keywords in their names.

Spammers often use links in the comment body to direct visitors to their own websites. You can stop this by using a plugin like **Akismet** or **Antispam Bee** to block comments with links. These plugins will automatically identify and block comments containing links that are deemed suspicious or spammy.

How do I stop spammers from using my website to promote their products or services?

Spammers often use comments to promote their products or services. You can stop this by using a plugin like **Akismet** to filter out comments that contain promotional content. Akismet will identify and block comments that are deemed to be spam, including those that promote products or services. You can also manually moderate comments and delete any that are promotional in nature.

How do I stop spammers from leaving comments that are not relevant to my website?

Spammers often leave comments that are not relevant to your website. You can stop this by using a plugin like **Antispam Bee** to block comments that are off-topic. Antispam Bee will identify and block comments that are not related to your website’s content. You can also manually moderate comments and delete any that are off-topic or irrelevant.

How do I stop spammers from leaving comments that are abusive or offensive?

Spammers sometimes leave comments that are abusive or offensive. You can stop this by using a plugin like **Akismet** to filter out comments that contain offensive language. Akismet will identify and block comments that contain profanity, hate speech, or other forms of offensive content. You can also manually moderate comments and delete any that are abusive or offensive. It’s important to establish clear guidelines for comment behavior and to enforce those guidelines consistently.

How do I stop spammers from leaving comments that are simply not genuine?

Spammers sometimes leave comments that are simply not genuine, such as comments that are short, irrelevant, or written in broken English. You can stop this by using a plugin like **Antispam Bee** to block comments that are not genuine. Antispam Bee will identify and block comments that are not written in proper English or that lack substance. You can also manually moderate comments and delete any that are not genuine.


Combatting comment spam in WordPress is an ongoing process. Spammers are constantly developing new methods, but by implementing the tips and tools outlined in this article, you can significantly reduce the amount of spam on your website. Remember to stay vigilant, and if you experience a surge in spam, don’t hesitate to contact your hosting provider or a WordPress security expert for assistance.

By creating a welcoming and engaging environment for genuine visitors, you’ll foster a sense of community and build a stronger online presence. A clean and spam-free comment section encourages meaningful discussions and helps you build a more successful WordPress website.

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